Ginkoba 40mg

Micro Labs Limited
(SKU-72-5465)The contents provided in this website are for informational purposes only. We here do not intend to be substitute of medical personnel advice, diagnosis or any kind of treatments. Please take in consideration of a physician for any kind of queries regarding your health concern. Meanwhile, please do not disregard those medical advices because of what you read on this website.
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Product Overview

Composition: Ginkgo Biloba  

Ginkoba Tablet is a nutritional supplement that is rich in antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation. It may aid in heart health, brain function, and eye health. It eliminates oxidative stress which is caused by damage-causing free radicals. It helps to reduce headaches and migraines. Ginkoba Tablet is a herbal medicine used to improve the age-related decrease in mental abilities and quality of life in adults with dementia. Dementia causes memory loss, mood and behaviour changes.


  • Ginkoba Tablet is used for the improvement of age-related worsening of mental abilities like the ability to think, remember, communicate, solve problems, plan and organize in adults with dementia.
  • It is also used to improve the quality of life in adults with dementia.

Side Effect

Common side effects:

  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

How to use

Take Ginkoba Tablet as a whole with sufficient water. Always take this medicine exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not consume more than the prescribed dose.
Do not discontinue the medicine on your own without consulting your doctor.

How It works

Ginkoba Tablet protects the brain cells from damage. It decreases blood viscosity that increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain cells. It can also reduce toxic substances called oxygen free radicals that are capable of damaging the brain cells.

Safety Advice for Ginkoba 40mg


Inform your doctor if you are allergic to Ginkgo biloba or any other ingredient of Ginkoba Tablet.

Frequently Asked Questions